Friday, March 18, 2011

Cycle Forum - report 16th March

Dover District Cycle Forum
Notes of meeting held at Royal Hotel, Deal
at 7pm on Wed 16th March 2011


1. Welcome and opening remarks:
Acting Chair Ian Killbery welcomed Margaret Johnson, Pat Clay, Phil Marsh, Carol Powell, Gregory Williams, Peter Inch, Sarah Gleave, Fiona Le Ny, Cllr Nigel Collor and Steve Darling from Kent Highways.
Apologies received from: Cllr Kit Smith, Sue Delling, Rose Dowd, Steve Wakeford

2. Notes from last meeting - see (Thanks to Sue Delling)

3. Progress on cycle routes:
(a) Report on Local Sustainable Transport Scheme bid submitted by Dover District Council (Cllr Nigel Collor, DDC Cabinet member)

Nigel Collor outlined DDC's bid which includes Cycle links between Deal and Sandwich, and embraces 'East Kent Access issues' in general, related to the Pfizer site, including extension of High Speed train service to Deal and Sandwich, with support for Thanet Parkway station which is 6-7 years off, a bus rapid transit system to link Dover and Whitfield, and to improve connectivity between the three towns of the district. DDC is lobbying hard with KCC and local MPs to get support for this scheme.

This news was welcomed by the Forum. In discussion, Ian Killbery raised the importance of the land adjacent to Deal station to complete the cycle network across the town centre as well as to the station. Although there may be access issues with the junction onto London Road, DDC were urged to reconsider inclusion of this option.

(b) Progress on River Dour Greenway Project and discussion of possible linking routes to the port and station (Steve Darling, Kent Highways)

Traffic lights at Buckland have now been reconfigured for access to Barton riverside Path. The river has been cleaned, vacant land made attractive and a mural painted over graffiti on the school wall - all by voluntary groups.
The lighting is being improved by DDC and KCC. 
The next phase is by Morrisons and Netto, followed by work at Buckland Bridge. 
Funding: there has been funding from Sustrans (Lottery money); KCC Highways has bid for EU Interreg funds to make links from the Greenway to the port and Dover Priory station - there was discussion of the difficulties in finding suitable routes, but the Forum endorsed the importance of making these links, if possible to include South Kent College.
Concern was expressed about the signing of the route through the docks to and from ferries, and at the high cost of ferry tickets for cyclists compared with cars. Gregory Williams said Spokes had found special fares (see their website). Steve Darling said Thanet Cycle Forum had raised similar concerns and that this might be a subject for a joint campaign (Steve Darling will supply contact details for TCF).

(c)  Possible cycle routes between Deal and Fowlmead - results of discussions with Sholden Parish Council

Steve Darling explained the thinking behind the route along the A258 which was turned down at consultation stage; this was on the seaward side north from St Nicholas' Church, to a panda crossing by Sholden Primary School, where it crossed to the inland side, then proceeded to join the old miners' cycle path towards Betteshanger/Fowlmead. Benefit of the crossing to the school helped gain funding for the scheme.
Phil Marsh explained Sholden parish Council's objections to this scheme, including the number of driveways crossed and the path lying next to a busy road. Vicarage lane and the footpath from the Scout Hut alongside Hull Place Sports Ground was discussed as a preferble possibility, but this route would need to be widened in places, which require cooperation of landowners. Sarah Gleave urged that tLondon Road should be kept clear for buses and emergency vehicles, as one of the main entrances to Deal.

The Forum agreed that it was important to safeguard cycle routes should development around Sholden go ahead, whilst recognising that it would be better if it didn't, and that developers used such concessions to gain acceptance of otherwise undesirable plans.

Steve Darling invited members to a meeting at Vicarage Lane with KCC Highways and developers on 17th March: Ian Killbery and Carol Powell agreed to go and represent the Forum's views.

The Forum warmly thanked Cllr Nigel Collor (who had to leave) for attending and contributing to the meeting, despite fog and flu.

4. Maintenance issues
 (NOTE: individual matters should be reported through the usual Kent Highways channels, i.e. phone: 08458-247800 or on website: )
The Forum asked KHS to look at three priority concerns:
(a) NCR1 between St margarets and Kinsdown via Otty Bottom, where the surface is badly breaking up and becoming dangerous to ride;
(b) NCR1 between Newlands Nursing Home and Deal Castle, where the separate cycle track is badly corrugated and needs re-surfacing throughout;
(c) new signing to warn cyclists to 'slow down and be careful of pedestrians' by the Downs Sailing Club (S end of Walmer Green) and at either end of the shared promenade section between Deal castle and the pier.

5. News exchange (see 6)

6.  Events to encourage cycling:

Sun 27th March - Cycle Demos at Fowlmead (see attached flyer) 12.30 to 16.30.

 16th April - Canterbury Greenpeaces's cycle 'Big Climate Reconnection' .

11th June ; Big Wheel of Kent ride to Canterbury organised by Spokes, including one leg starting in Deal

17-24th July July, Saint Omer will be hosting  a week of cycle touring, and they would welcome a party of Deal cyclists, especially on the final Saturday - the web site is

7. Future meetings of the Cycle Forum:
Steve Darling said he would not be able to attend future evening meetings due to cuts. After discussion it was agreed to hold three evening meetings a year, and one late afternoon (say 4pm) meeting t which Steve could attend. 
Agendas would be sent to KHS 2 weeks before each meeting, so that information and comments could be relayed to the meeting and maps supplied, etc.
- it was AGREED to adopt the draft Thanet Cycle Forum Terms of Reference as circulated, subject to replacing "Thanet" with "Dover District"
(prop. Peter Inch, sec. Gregory Williams, approved unanimously)
- Appontment of chairman: Ian Killbery  and secretary (Fiona Le Ny and Tom Rowland to share duties, Fiona to start with next meeting) - there being no other nominations, these were approved unanimously.
- date, time. place and agenda for next meeting:
Wed 8th June 2011 at 7pm - 9pm. Tom Rowland kindly volunteered to host the meeting at his house, Cavendish House, 1 North St, Deal CT14 6NA .
Sarah Gleave asked for the agenda to include how the existing Dover Cycling Plan could be amended, also arrangements for the Big Wheel event.
Please send other items for discussion to the chair at BEFORE Wed 25th May, so they can be collated and passed to KHS.

Finally thanks to everyone who generously contributed to the cost of the room.

Meeting closed at 9pm prompt

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