Sunday, July 23, 2017

Deal With It August Update

Sunday 30th July - NGS Deal Open Gardens 10am to 4pm Landmark Garden

National Garden Scheme open gardens in Deal - £5 for charity visit 9 local gardens starting at the landmark garden

We do need helpers to manage the stall. so if you can help please email

Wednesday 2nd August - Guardians of The Deep Training. Landmark Centre 6pm

We are working with Kent Wildlife Trust on their coastal guardians project around the kent coast. This training will explain the aims of the project, how to identify wildlife, flora and faurna

Wednesday 2nd August - Town Litter Pick 5pm

NB we have moved this forward. To support the town's entry into BiB

Thursday 3rd August - Britain in Bloom Judging

Judges will be visiting the Landmark and Deal Station Gardens as part of Deal town's entry into the national competition

Thursday 10th August - Deal Hop Farm meeting up Landmark Spires bar 6:30pm

Saturday 2nd September - Bee Fest / Deal Seedy Saturday 10:30am to 1pm

We have the Dover Bee Keepers down with their bees and bee products. There will also be a full Seedy Saturday Plant swap with bee friendly plantings

and music

Sunday 17th September - The Great British Beach Clean 9:30 Deal Pier

Our part of the Marine Conservation Society's Great British Beach Clean. This is an annual survey of the UKs beachs

October Date TBC - Building a Solar Panel workshop and going off grid workshop

We are hosting a series of workshops from Demand Energy Equality group in London. The workshops will supply all tools, materials, plans and qualified teacher

You will leave the (1) workshop with a working solar charger that could power up a phone

1) Building Your own Solar Panel cost per person a max of £75 - one day workshop

2) Intro to Off Grid cost per person about £40 - One day Workshop

If you are interested please let me know by email asap - we see what numbers are interested and then confirm details (we need a min of 10 people)
Please email or message us on FB or twitter