Sunday, December 15, 2019

Xmas Walmer Beach Clean 15th Dec 2019

Thank you to our 32 volunteers on today's Xmas Community Beach Clean on Walmer Beach 

22kgs of rubbish picked and we were very lucky with the weather. 

Big thanks to Nush and Hut 55 café for very kindly providing teas & coffees to go with the mince pies for our beach cleaners. 

Our next clean on New Year's Day 1st Jan 2020 at 10am meeting at Deal Pier

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Deal With It - Whats on in December


Saturday 30th Nov – Xmas Eco Fair at the Landmark Centre 10am to 1pm
Lots of stalls of plastic free produce & ideas for xmas. Organised by East Kent Climate Action

Saturday 30th Nov – Mass Tree Planting in North Deal Rec from 10am
Please bring tools – there is about 80 trees to plant. Organised by North Deal Recreation Park Group

Tuesday 3rd December – Captains Garden Garden Group 10am to Noon (Depends on weather)

Weds 4th December – Landmark Garden 10:30 to 12:30 – Garden Tidy up

Thursday 5th December – Captains Garden Garden Group 10am to Noon (Depends on weather)

Thursday 5th December – Deal Station Garden 2pm to 4pm
Litter pick/tidy up of station area and continuing to work in new triangle area. Please bring tools

Tuesday 10th December – Captains Garden Garden Group 10am to Noon (Depends on weather)

Thursday 12th December – Captains Garden Garden Group 10am to Noon (Depends on weather)

Sunday 15th Dec – Walmer Beach Clean 10am (Hut55 + Mince Pies & Teas)
Please bring a mug for a free drink from Hut55 (tea or filtered coffee) we will also have a mix of vegan, veggie, Gluten free mince pies

Tuesday 17th December – Captains Garden Garden Group 10am to Noon (Depends on weather)

Thursday 19th December – Captains Garden Garden Group 10am to Noon (Depends on weather)

Saturday 21st Dec – Winter Solstice Celebration @Landmark Garden 5:30pm to 7pm
Mulled drinks, food, music, storytelling and company to gather and celebrate another year of great green community activities.

Please bring a jar and tea light so we can cover the garden & chase away the darkness.

Also we are asking people to please to bring a mug and if you are making/donating eats please label what’s in them 😊

If you got some spares you can donate please leave them in the garden by the planter

Weather dependent … if bad we will have a drink and music in the Landmark Bar

Weds 1st Jan 2020 – New Year Deal Beach Clean 10am Deal Pier

Mon 13th Jan 2020 – Dover Repair Café 6pm Biggin Hall (org by Transition Dover)

Tues 28th Jan 2020 – East Kent Permaculture Network meet & eat 6pm Canterbury

Thurs 6th Feb – Deal Hop Farm Season IV launch meeting Lighthouse 6:30pm

Sat 15th Feb 2020 – Guardians of Deep Conference at Pines Calyx

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sandown Castle Beach Clean 17th Nov

Thank you to our 35+ volunteers on this morning Beach Clean at Sandown Castle.

Lovely still morning with great views across the Channel- over 18kgs rubbish collected

Our next community beach clean is on Sunday 15th December meeting at 10am at Hut55 on Walmer Beach - We will have teas/Coffee + mince pies for afterwards (please bring a mug)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Deal Station Triangle Tidy 7th Nov

Thank you to our 30 volunteers on this morning's litter pick and tidy of the wooded Triangle parcel of land nxt to Platform 2 at Deal Rail Station.

We were joined by volunteers from National Rail - between us we filled four x 1 ton builders bags of rubbish and cleared paths to allow future picks.

The land is going to be leased to Deal With It for 2years. The idea is to do monthly picks at the site as well as carrying out a full wildlife and habitat survey with a view a producing a long term management plan in 2020 to enhance the site's ecology.

Next litter pick / tidy up will be on Thursday 5th December at 10:30

Deal Beach Clean Sunday 17th November

Friday, November 1, 2019

Deal Station Triangle Litter pick & Tidy Thurs 7th Nov 10:30am

We have a Litter pick and Tidy up in the wooded Triangle area of Deal Rail Station on Thursday 7th Nov starting at 10:30am 

We have wanted to get into this part of the Station for several years - it was the site old Victorian Station Master's House until WW2. 

National Rail are in the process of leasing the land to Deal With It for 2yr so we can litter pick every month and conduct a wildlife survey with a view of establishing a proper management plan for the area

All Volunteers are very welcome - please wear heavy boots and gloves. The Clean up will last for a couple of hours.

Further details please email or phone 372673

Monday, October 21, 2019

Kent Gleaning dates in Oct/Nov

We have dates the next set of Gleans in Kent …. Please use the link to book and get full details

Wednesday 23rd October 11am-3pm - APPLES

(perhaps Brenley/ Maggie nr Faversham)

Tuesday 29th October 11am-3pm APPLES
Newmafruit,  CT4 7HQ

Wednesday 30th October 11am-4pm (invite Tudor school Group who’ve gleaned with Phil) APPLES/PEARS
Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 9SN

Friday 1st Nov 1pm-3pm (unless James or a WRAP group is willing to start earlier) SQUASH
Maidstone, Kent, ME14 3BE

Saturday 2nd Nov 11am-4pm SQUASH
Maidstone, Kent, ME14 3BE

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Apple Gleaning starts in October

Great Gleaners of Kent,

Orchard season is upon us and we're preparing for another busy season gleaning wonderful fruits (and some fabulous veg too) across Kent, and we need your help to glean it all for charity!

Kent Gleaning Network is currently coordinating the following gleaning days. We warmly invite you to sign up for these events in advance and will send out further details in the week running up to each event.

Additional gleaning days will be added as we learn of more crops across the county in need of rescue. We aim to give 1-2 weeks notice of gleaning events but this is not always possible.

Monday 7th October: 3pm -5pm (exact times to be confirmed): We'll be gleaning potatoes from a farm near Wingham.

Due to the short notice of this glean please contact us directly at to join in. Minibus lifts will be available from Folkestone.

Thursday 9th October: 3pm-6pm (times to be confirmed): We'll be gleaning apples and/or pears from a farm near Sandwich.

Monday 14th October: 11am-4pm (times to be confirmed): Gleaning apples and/or pears from a farm near Sandwich

The rescued fruit & veg will be donated to local charities and other organisations that feed people across the region, which means that the healthy fruit will avoid waste and instead enter a supply chain supporting people in food poverty.

Ready to get gleaning? Fantastic! **Sign up here** to provide us with a few basic details. It’s really helpful if you can sign-up ASAP, as this gives us an idea of numbers and drivers. You'll be sent info in advance of the gleaning day including travel information. We will try to organise lift shares or collection from nearby train stations for as many people as possible if you sign up in good time.

If you do sign-up and later realise you can’t make it, then that's not a problem, just please email me to cancel at so we can plan accordingly. Last-minute drop-outs can sometimes have knock-on effects, so please just say if your attendance is in doubt. 

Expenses: Travel expenses for fuel or public transport can be covered for those travelling from nearby – just check with us first (we cover up to £12 per gleaner per day or £6 for half day gleans).

Do get in touch by email if you have any questions and I hope to see you out in the orchards over the next few weeks!

Best & beetroot,


Kent Gleaning Network Coordinator (07920404546)

Deal With It - October Events

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Walmer Beach Clean with Wayne+Koda

Thank you everyone who came on today's Community Beach Clean on Walmer Beach - it was a hot one!

We had over 60 volunteers who collected nearly 32kilos of litter including some 7 kilos which we could recycle.

It was great to see colleagues from Litter Picking Watch Romney Marsh joining us as well Wayne Dixon and Koda who are walking the full UK Coastline litter picking as they go! They will be in the town for the next couple of days so say hello to them

Big thanks to Nigel and the O'Brian family for helping to organise and Pete and the Sea Café for hosting us.

Our next clean is part of the MCS 'Great British Beach Clean' on Sunday 22nd September Deal Pier 9:30am. All Welcome

Friday, August 9, 2019

#KentGleaning - 1.5 tons of Cherries in July/August

We have spectacularly gleaned right to the very end of the cherry season. 
This week's gleans saw us rescue 187kg on Monday at Selson farm and another 155kg at Newmafruit on Wednesday. I know I've said this before, but this really does mark the end of cherry season- the farms have removed their nets and the rain expected tonight will spoil any final remaining fruits (although I suspect the wasps will have got in their first anyway). I want to thank you all for your spectacular efforts to rescue as many cherries as possible.

I thought you'd like to know that in total this year we have gleaned 1541kg cherries in Kent. That is a serious amount of fruit which has now been devoured by some of our regions most vulnerable people. A 'portion of fruit (according to the "eat 5 a day" campaign) is 80g for an adult, so we have gleaned sufficient cherries this year to feed 19,262 people a portion of the finest Kentish cherries! And if that doesn't sound impressive enough- Newmafruit (one of Kent's largest growers and importers of fruit) harvested 50 tonnes of cherries from their orchards this year and they considered 2019 to be a very good year, so the fact that a group of considerably less experienced pickers managed to glean over 1.5 tonnes on only 8 partial days of picking (including some seriously hot days plus having to do a lot of quality control on some of the varieties) is amazing. Thank you all very, very much!

The next glean we have planned is on the 14th August starting at 3pm. This will probably be leafy veg and potatoes near Wingham but farms are now harvesting plums and Newmafruit has offered us there's when they're finished picking so keep an eye on your email inboxes, there may be some more dates added any day. It's also now early apple season, but I don't expect there to be a rush for these any time soon (I hope!). If you'd like to sign up for 14th you can do so here:

And if you're not already on the Gleaning Network mailing list and would like to receive emails when we have gleaning days scheduled you can do so here:

Finally, we were chatting about the British sugar industry on Wednesday's glean and I thought some of you might be interested in reading Feedback's exploration into the UK sugar industry and it's impact on our soils. It was truly a shock to most of us when it was shared amongst the team: there's plenty more campaigns, research and studies on different aspects of the food system on The Feedback Website, if you're passionate about sustainable foods I do suggest giving it a browse when you have the time.

Once again, thank you so much for joining us on the final week of cherry gleaning, it was a true pleasure to see you all out in the orchards and I look forward to seeing you again soon on one farm or another.

Best and beets,


Thursday, August 1, 2019

Last Cherry Glean Date is Monday 7th August at 3pm nr Eastry

The Last cherry glean organised by the #KentGleaningNetwork will be on Monday 7th August at 3pm to 6ish at a farm near Eastry

You must register on the link below if you intend to come.....

There will be other gleans throughout August usually on a Monday and Wednesday  at farms with potatoes, cabbages and Cauliflowers (not all of these are suitable for kids)

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sandwich Bay 'Cuddle Earth' Beach Clean 28/7/2019

Thank you to 65+ volunteers on the 'Cuddle Earth' Sandwich Bay Beach Clean - we collected nearly 70 Kgs today. 

Well done to Cuddle Earth ( a local Sandwich Toy Company), Ollie from 100tons of Plastic and our Deal With It Volunteers for organising today … Rose, John, Sonja and Steve.

Our next DWI Community Clean is at Walmer Beach on Sunday 25th August at 9:30am meet at the Sea Café

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Gleaning near Sandwich this week

📣 GLEANING CALL OUT! Please share far and wide! We’ve just discovered a huge crop of cherries going to waste on a farm near Sandwich in Kent. This fruit is perfectly delicious but the farm are unable to harvest all of the crop and those wonderful cherries are too good to waste. So we're setting out to save as many as possible – and we NEED YOUR HELP. The more volunteers we have, the more food we can save!

On Wednesday 17th July from 3pm and on Friday 19th July 11am-3pm, we'll be gleaning at a beautiful farm near Sandwich. The fruits will then be donated to charities and other orgs feeding vulnerable people throughout our region. We warmly invite you help us get Kent's finest cherries to those who need them most. We can cover some travel expenses from surrounding towns –just check with us first. To join us on the glean, sign up here: You will then be sent more info about the gleaning day including travel coordination. We are also keen to hear from community groups, churches and other orgs that may be interested in running gleans of their own, helping distribute produce in local communities or making use of gleaned produce within their existing activities. If you'd like to discuss any of these please join us on a glean or send an email to Hope to see you in the orchards soon!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Deal With It July 2019 Diary

DWI July 2019

Saturday 6th July – Open Day at the Captain’s Garden @ Deal Castle
Supporting National Meadows Day – open 11am to 3pm

Sunday 7th July – Deal Beach Clean 9:30am meeting at Sandown Castle Community Garden

Monday 8th July – DEMAIN (Tomorrow) At Deal Film Club Astor Theatre £8??
Adrian Sullivan from Deal With It and East Kent Climate Action Introducing Film 7pm

Tuesday 9th July – Captain’s Garden Volunteer Session 10am to Noon

Thursday 11th July – Captain’s Garden Volunteer Session 10am to Noon

Thursday 11th July – Deal Station Clean Up Crew 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Monday 15th July – Dover Repair Café, Biggin Hall Dover

Tuesday 16th July – Captain’s Garden Volunteer Session 10am to Noon

Thursday 18th July – Captain’s Garden Volunteer Session 10am to Noon

Thursday 18th July – Deal Station Clean Up Crew 4:30pm to 5:30pm (then every two weeks)

Thursday 18th July – Deal Hop Farm Monthly meetup
Smugglers Café Sandwich 6:30pm

Tuesday 23rd July – Captain’s Garden Volunteer Session 10am to Noon (then every week)

Thursday 25th July – Captain’s Garden Volunteer Session 10am to Noon (then every week)

Sunday 28th July – Sandwich Bay Beach Clean Cuddle Earth/DWI 10am
No Charge for access for beach cleaners.

Wednesday – 7th August – Plastic Free Deal meet up – Landmark Bar 6:30pm

Monday 12th August - Dover Repair Café, Biggin Hall Dover

Saturday 24th August – BEEFEST + Seedy Saturday at the Landmark Garden 10:30am to 12:30
Dover Beekeepers + Bee products + Plant Swap 

Sunday 25th August – Walmer Beach Clean 9:30am meet at Sea Café

Thursday 29th August – Deal Hop Farm – Harvest Briefing Meeting at Landmark 7pm

Sunday 22nd September – Great British Beach Clean meet at Deal Pier 9:30am
National Marine Conservation Society recording clean

Sunday 22nd September – Open day at the Captain’s Garden 12-4pm
National Heritage Day in Deal

Sandown Castle Beach Clean 7th July 2019

Thank you to our 40 volunteers on today's Beach Clean at the Sandown Castle end of Deal Beach. About 20kgs collected today with about 4kgs of cans and spent Barbeques.

We also found 6 inflated ballons which can do a lot of damage. 

Special beach clean  at Sandwich Bay on 28/7 at 10am + next after that Walmer 25/8 

we also found some keys on todays clean

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Deal Beach Clean 23rd June 2019

Thank you to our 45+ volunteers on today's Community Beach Clean at Deal Pier.

We collected some 31kilos of rubbish with 6kilos of stuff that can be recycled. This is a great total given that DDC had done thorough job early this morning. 

Our next clean is two weeks time 7th July at 9:30am meeting at Sandown Castle end of the beach to support the work of the community garden there.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Monday, June 3, 2019

Wildlife Open Garden - Hacklinge

Sue and Adrian Sullivan have another of their popular open garden/studios sessions in June. A lovely garden designed on wildlife friendly and permaculture principals plus art, a bit of music and lashings of cake. Well worth a visit - Profits goes towards local environmental initiatives and trees for life

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Deal With It receives the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

Deal With iT – Transition Deal, Deal’s local green community group, has been honoured with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK.

Deal With It, which celebrated its 12th birthday earlier in the year organises the regular community beach cleans, supports the community gardens at Deal Railway Station, The Landmark Centre and Captain’s Garden at Deal Castle, Seed Swaps, green energy events, Bee festivals, tree planting, town litter picks, and has initiated a number of campaigns such as Plastic Free Deal and projects such as the Deal Hop Farm (a patchwork farm of 250 gardens & allotments in and around the town growing hops and producing beer with local brewers).

It is also the local partner for a number of national/regional charities such as Surfers Against Sewage, Marine Conservation Society, Kent Wildlife Trust’s Guardians of the Deep and English Heritage.

Deal With iT – Transition Deal is one of 281 charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to receive the prestigious award this year, which is the equivalent to an MBE for a organisation.

The number of nominations and awards has increased year on year since the awards were introduced in 2002, showing that the voluntary sector is thriving and full of innovative ideas to make life better for those around them.

The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service aims to recognise outstanding work by volunteer groups to benefit their local communities. It was created in 2002 to celebrate the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. Winners are announced each year on 2nd June – the anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation.

Representatives of Deal With iT will receive the award from the Viscount De L'Isle, Lord Lieutenant of Kent later this summer.

Victoria Nicholls, Deal With iT’s Secretary and one of the founding members of the group said “We are very fortunate to live in a town which is fuelled by the energy, commitment and creativity of so many voluntary organisations and people who want to make a difference to our community.

We are delighted that our small contribution to local environment and community has been recognised by this award; we see it as a tribute to all those have played a role in our various projects, events and campaigns over the last twelve years and especially the hundreds of people who have volunteered their time on beach cleans, community gardens, green energy events, making the town plastic free, seed swaps and even growing beer in the town!

Last year our various projects and events produced some 5,368 volunteer hours with some 1,902 volunteers involved – its great to think that all those local people can lay claim to small part of a shared MBE.

We would like to thank Dover District Council for nominating us for the award and the great support from Linda Ford at Sandown Castle Community Garden & Mark Brent from English Heritage at Walmer Castle in supporting the nomination.

Given the linked challenges of the mounting climate crisis, the tide of plastic in our seas and endangerment of so much of our animal and plant life, it’s so important that we take urgent action at every level, especially here in our local community.”

The next Deal With It event is the community beach clean on Sunday 23rd June at 9.30am meeting at Deal Pier.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Goodwin Sands become next Marine Conservation Zone

After a long campaign by many environmental organisations including our local Goodwin Sands SOS and the Kent Wildlife Trust the government has announced today that the Sands will become the next Marine Conservation Zone .

This does not immediately stop the dredging of the sands by the Dover Harbour Board and Goodwin Sands SOS have a judicial review of the decision to allow dredging under way. They need more funds for the case, please see their most email below:

Dear Goodwin Sands SOS supporter,

We appreciate that we have only just written to you but we thought you would like to know that the Goodwin Sands have been included in the third and final tranche of Marine Conservation Zones, announced today by DEFRA.

This is excellent news for the Sands in general and a very positive step forward for the campaign, coming as it does just days before the Judicial Review on 5th June. However, unfortunately it does not mean that we have won our case to prevent Dover Harbour Board from dredging.

What it should mean is that the Judge will review all evidence with extra care and attention before arriving at a decision about quashing the licence. This is now a national test case about the robustness of the Blue Belt initiative and its effectiveness in face of the Government’s economic Blue Growth agenda.

Our fund raising appeal stands at just over £2,000 short of our £20,000 target. Please give generously; we need to ensure the Marine Conservation Zone programme is worth the paper it is written on! Donations can be made easily at or if you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation please email us directly at Please note we cannot claim Gift Aid on CrowdJustice donations.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Full Details at :

Monday, May 27, 2019

Walmer Castle Community Beach Clean

Thank you to our 40 volunteers on today's Walmer Castle Beach Clean. 

30kgs collected with over 13kgs of recyclable cans, bottles and plastic. 

Our next community clean is on Sunday 23rd June at Deal Pier at 9:30am

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

May Diary for Deal With It


Wednesday 8th May Deal Climate Emergency meeting Dealability from 6pm

Saturday 11th May – Deal Climate Emergency Stall Deal High St from 10:30am

Tuesday 14th May – Captain’s Garden Community Garden Group Volunteer time 10-Noon (every week)

Wednesday 15th May Deal Climate Emergency meeting Dealability from 6pm TBC

Thursday 16th May – Captain’s Garden Community Garden Group Volunteer time 10-Noon (every week)

Monday 20th May – Dover Repair Café – Biggin Hall 6pm

Friday 24th May – Local Schools Climate Action (Deal Town Hall 11:30am)

Saturday 25th May – Spring Seedy Saturday 10:30 -12:30 Landmark Garden

Bank Holiday Monday 27th May – Walmer Castle Beach Clean, 9:30am Prom nr Car Parks

Tuesday 4th June – Plastic Free Deal meeting Landmark Bar 6pm

Thursday 6th June – Clean Up Crew Deal Station 4-6pm Deal Station

Wednesday 12th June – Deal Hop Farm meeting 6:30pm venue (TBA)

Monday 17th June – Dover Repair Café – Biggin Hall 18:30pm

Sunday 23rd June – Deal Beach Clean – 9:30am Deal Pier

Sunday 30th June – Landmark Garden National Garden Scheme (NGS) Open Gardens

Saturday 6th July – National Meadows Day – Open Day at Captain’s Garden

Sunday 7th July – Sandown Castle Beach Clean meet at 9:30am

Monday 15th July – Dover Repair Café – Biggin Hall 6:30pm

Wednesday 31st July – Get Buzzing at Betteshanger County Park 11am to 3pm

August (Date to be confirmed) – Walmer Beach Clean meet at Sea Café 9:30am

September 22nd
– Great British Beach Clean (MCS) Deal Pier 9:30

Monday, April 22, 2019

Lots of visitors at the Captain's Garden on Easter Monday

Thank you all our visitors at today's Open Day at the Captain's Garden.

We owe a big thank you to Time & Tide Brewing for not only producing two excellent beers but organising the canning of the ESB today (it arrived at about 11:30 if you missed it) as well the casks tasters

A massive thank you also to all the volunteers from Deal With It, Deal Hop Farm , Eilnor's mini-café and Ben from English Heritage for making it all happen

We think at least 750 people came today and many thanks for £140 in donations for plants 

Volunteer times in the garden are Tuesday and Thursday 10am to Noonish - for more info in getting involved please email

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Open Day at the Captain's Garden - Easter Monday 22nd April

Deal’s Secret Garden Open on Easter Monday

The community volunteers bringing back the Captain’s Garden at Deal Castle into use have an Open Day on Easter Monday, 22nd April from 10:30am to 2pm.

The historic walled garden is normally not open to the public and is an amazing 1.2 acres space in the centre of Deal.

Since December 2017 volunteers from Deal With It and Deal Hop Farm have been recovering a small part of the garden; with a hop garden, wild flower meadow, flower & herb beds, a veg & fruit area and two crop circles of barley.

The initiative is in partnership with English Heritage.

Also at the Open Day, local brewers Time and Tide (brewing partners to the community hop growers in the Deal Hop Farm) will have some the lastest beers using Deal Hop Farm Hops to sample.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Deal With It - April Events listing

Sunday 14th April – Deal Beach Clean (Sandown Castle end) 9:30am
Part of Surfers Against Sewage ‘Big Spring Beach Clean’

Tuesday 16th – Captains Garden Group 10am-12 in the Garden @Deal Castle (then every week)

Thursday 18th - Captains Garden Group 10am-12 in the Garden @Deal Castle (then every week)

Saturday 20th April – Deal Hop Farm Twiddling workshop sessions 11am & Noon

Easter Monday 22nd April – Open Garden at the Captain’s Garden @ Deal Castle

Wednesday 24th April – Deal Climate Emergency meeting Landmark Bar 6pm

Sunday 28th April – Special Deal Beach Clean for World Scouting day

Monday 29th April – Dover Repair Café Biggin Hall Dover 5:30

Wednesday 1st May – Deal Hop Farm meeting 6:30pm The Berry, Walmer

Thursday 2nd May – Clean Up Crew Deal Station 4-6pm Deal Station

Thursday 2nd May – Plastic Free Deal Meeting 6pm Landmark Bar

Monday 6th May – Deal Station Gardening Group 10am Deal Station

Saturday 25th May – Spring Seedy Saturday 10:30 -12:30 Landmark Garden

Bank Holiday Monday 27th May – Walmer Castle Beach Clean, 9:30am Prom nr Car Parks

Monday 3rd June – Deal Station Gardening Group 10am Deal Station

Thursday 6th June – Clean Up Crew Deal Station 4-6pm Deal Station

Sunday 23rd June – Deal Beach Clean – 9:30am Deal Pier

Sunday 23rd June – Deal With It Summer Garden Party @ Landmark Garden 2pm to 4pm (TBC)

Sunday 30th June – Landmark Garden National Garden Scheme (NGS)

Sunday 7th July – Sandown Castle Beach Clean meet at 9:30am

Wednesday 31st July – Get Buzzing at Betteshanger County Park 11am to 3pm

August (Date to be confirmed) – Walmer Beach Clean meet at Sea Café 9:30am

September 15th – Great British Beach Clean (MCS) Deal Pier 9:30

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Deal #BigSpringBeachClean Sunday 14th April 2019

Massive thank you to our 103+ volunteers on today's Deal Beach Clean at Sandown. 
A fantastic turnout despite that cold wind from the east! 

This was part of the national #BigSpringBeachClean happening at over 300+ beaches around the UK this weekend - organised nationally by Surfers Against Sewage environmental charity 

We collected 118kilos of rubbish, only 4kilos which we can recycle but lots and lots of smaller pieces of plastic.  

We also found lot of random stuff - Golf balls, ghost fishing tackle, one slipper, discarded angling line and a small plastic mouse, 

Thanks as always to the organising team today; Vicky, Colin, Tony, Rose, Wendy, Nick, Paul and Graham. 

Next Clean is at Walmer Castle on 27/5