Monday, January 15, 2018

Dover Repairs Cafe - Tuesday 30th Jan

Our Colleagues in Transition Dover and  Future Foundry are hosting East Kent's First Repairs Cafe on Tuesday 30th January at Biggin Hall, Biggin Street Dover 6:30-8:30pm.

The aim is to reduce the amount that gets thrown away by repairing items that might be difficult to repair without the necessary skills or parts, or not cost effective to pay to get repaired. Our volunteer fixers will talk through their repairs, so you can start to pick up new fixing skills yourself.

How can you help?
Print and put up the poster
Come along to the event with your items that need to be fixed
Or...if you can also volunteer on the evening even better (As well as people with fixing skills - electrical/ bike repair/ woodwork/ sewing/ gluing...we will also need helpers to meet and greet people and make cups of tea)
Pass on the request for skilled volunteers to anyone else you know who might be able to help
Like and share the event on Facebook

Sunday, January 14, 2018

First Deal Beach Clean of 2018

Massive thank you to our 70+ volunteers on the first Deal Beach Clean of 2018 - 119.5kgs collected this morning at the Sandown Castle end of the beach. 

Great to see so many people - especially many of our colleagues from Sandown Community Garden

Apologies to running out of pickers - we will source some more before the next one.

Next Beach Clean is on Sunday 18th Feb - Deal Pier 9.30am. This will be one of the Marine Conservation Society cleans so we will be logging what we find

Amazing start to #PlasticFreeDeal !

Deal With It - Annual Gathering 2018

We had an excellent annual gathering today at the Landmark with 30 people, awesome soup and cakes and a bucket load of ideas harvested to make Deal Plastic Free.

We will get these written up, published and arrange a follow on meeting in next couple of weeks - please watch this space.

Thanks to tracy our ideas catcher, timekeeper charles, greeters sonja & jane, Roisin for her dwi 2017 in numbers and Vicky for the stall & cake distribution.

Lots of thanks to landmark cafe who did us proud. soup on a cold day is a great ideas lubricant.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Deal With It Annual Gathering Sat 13th Jan - 'How can we make Deal Plastic free?'

Deal With It has its annual gathering on Saturday 13th January between Noon and 2pm at the Cleary Hall at the Landmark Community Centre, High St Deal. All are Welcome

As well as looking back on what we have achieved in last year it is a good opportunity to focus on what people want to work on to make Deal a sustainable town.

As well think most AGMs are fairly boring we are organising our gathering around the medium of Soup - We thought we would have a working lunch will two veggie home made soups, tea and cakes (all supplied by the revamped Landmark Café) to help the ideas flow!

All free but contributions welcome on the day and we would appreciate people booking using this link 
(so we don't run out)

The theme we selected is 'How can we make Deal a Plastic Free Town' - the idea is for us to discuss practical initiatives we can take forward in the town.

We are looking at things like the Refill project (promoting where people can refill their own bottles rather than use single use plastic bottles), Supporting the Plastic Bottle deposit scheme, DDCs recycling & reducing litter and wider initiatives in how individuals and businesses can reduce their plastic use.

Hope you can make it

(ps. if you have specific dietary needs please let us know in advance)