Our Colleagues in Transition Dover and Future Foundry are hosting East Kent's First Repairs Cafe on Tuesday 30th January at Biggin Hall, Biggin Street Dover 6:30-8:30pm.
The aim is to reduce the amount that gets thrown away by repairing items that might be difficult to repair without the necessary skills or parts, or not cost effective to pay to get repaired. Our volunteer fixers will talk through their repairs, so you can start to pick up new fixing skills yourself.
How can you help?
Print and put up the poster
Come along to the event with your items that need to be fixed
Or...if you can also volunteer on the evening even better (As well as people with fixing skills - electrical/ bike repair/ woodwork/ sewing/ gluing...we will also need helpers to meet and greet people and make cups of tea)
Pass on the request for skilled volunteers to anyone else you know who might be able to help
Like and share the event on Facebook
How can you help?
Print and put up the poster
Come along to the event with your items that need to be fixed
Or...if you can also volunteer on the evening even better (As well as people with fixing skills - electrical/ bike repair/ woodwork/ sewing/ gluing...we will also need helpers to meet and greet people and make cups of tea)
Pass on the request for skilled volunteers to anyone else you know who might be able to help
Like and share the event on Facebook