A Permaculture Design course is to be held at Rippledown Environmental Education Centre. The course will teach you how to use permaculture principles and practice:
- in your own life
- to contribute to the Transition Town processes
- for community projects
- to improve sustainability in your workplace.
This 12 day Accredited Permaculture Design Certificate Course will be lead by Steve Charter (Diploma Permaculture Design, MA Environmental Planning), assisted by Nir Halfon (Dip Biodynamics, Cert. Permaculture Design) and covers eco-building, sustainable energy, sewage, composting, eco-community and appropriate economics. The Certificate will be issued by the Permaculture Academy (GB) and is recognised by the permaculture and sustainable communities movement world-wide. The course is being run in association with The Bay Trust - an environmental education charity leading a wide range of not-for-profit sustainable community activities in the East Kent area and working to promote healthy, sustainable living.
Course Fees: £750/person
This particular PDC Course is being very generously subsidised by The Bay Trust and the price includes full course fees, accommodation and food. It is possible to take individual weekends or parts of the course, by agreement only. The Pc Design Certificate is only gained by those completing the full course.
Course Dates:
Fri 29th January to Sun 31st January 2010
Fri 26th February to Sun 28th February 2010
Fri 26th March to Sun 28th March 2010
Fri 16th April to Sun 18th April 2010
For further information click here.