It is difficult to equate these situations with modern society - this is 2012, after all, surely we have ways to avoid these crises? It seems not. The growth of biofuels will exacerbate the food crisis in Africa and the USA and, strange though it may seem, deregulation of the finance industry is to blame, in the long term, for creating a situation where people in the UK find themselves unable to feed their children.
A society has been created where greed is good, dishonesty is ignored and there is no payback for plunging your country into recession. Many hardworking people have found themselves suddenly, out of the blue, out of a job. Companies have gone into liquidation, factories have closed or worse - their owners have moved the factory overseas where wages are much lower and they can make much more profit.
Our government must share some of the blame. Instead of investment in new, green industries which would create many long term jobs, it continues with austerity measures which are clearly not working. Add to this, changes to the benefit system which seem to penalise those who need help the most and society suffers.