Sunday, June 16, 2024

Walmer Beach Clean #GreatBigGreenWeek

Thank you our 25 volunteers on a windy Walmer Beach Clean... about 30kgs of rubbish collected today. #GreatBigGreenWeek #PickDealClean

Thank you Andoni for coming down to film us today!

In July we have 2 cleans: on Weds 10th at 10am at Deal Pier (this is part of the Deal Festival musical project on 'Plastic' with composition, music making, discussion and hot drink at the Astor £5 ... but the beach clean is free. Please book at Festival website).

Then Sunday 21st July at 4pm we have our beach to support the Deal Carnival. Meet on the prom in front of Deal Castle.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Captains Garden Open Day Easter Monday 1st April 2024


The next open day at the Captains Garden will be on Easter Monday 1st April 2024 10am to 2pm

The 300yr old garden which is being brought back into community use by volunteers is Opposite Deal Castle

There will be tea & cake, seed swap and some music and a great chance to catch up with our volunteers work over the winter

There is no parking at the site (but public paid parking at Deal Castle and Tides) and no toilets.

Our paths can be a bit rough in places

Find us on Facebook and Instragram @CAPTAINSGARDENDEAL

Sandown Beach Clean 17th March 2024


Thank you to our 21 volunteers on today's drizzly smirr Sandown Beach Clean...9 bags of rubbish collected on our first event of this year's #GreatBritishSpringClean

...there are events every day please see details at @PickDealClean

Our next beach clean is on Sunday 21st April at Deal Pier 9.30am

We also supporting the Kent Wildlife clean on Saturday 30th March at Sandwich Bay (no tolls for beach cleaners) (please book online at )

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Deal Hop Farm - Season 8 Launch meeting 7th Feb 6:30


Walmer Beach Clean 4th Feb 2024

Thank you to our 45 volunteers on today's Walmer Beach Clean. Some 40kilos of rubbish found. 

Our next community beach clean is on Sunday March 17th 10am at Sandown Castle end of the beach 

#PickDealClean #beachclean

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Gleaning in Preston 1st Feb 2024

 Thanks to our gleaning volunteers - managed to get back into the field for some cauliflower and broccoli this week with over 350kgs collected

We just worked out the 20.5tons of produce we collected in 2023 over 60 gleans equates to some 48.9k meals! thats a lot

If you  are interested in joining us in the field or are a food charity which could use some fresh local produce please get in touch 

Monday, January 1, 2024

NYD Deal Beach Clean 1st January 2024


Thank you to our 50+ volunteers on today's New Years Day Deal Beach Clean - over 60 kilos of rubbish picked up plus we had our colleagues from East Kent Climate Action with their 'Waves' installation on Plastic in the sea.

Our next Beach Clean is on Sunday 4th February 10am Walmer Green (meet near Sea Cafe)

Happy New Year all

Thanks to Chris Mansfield for the photos

Thursday, December 28, 2023

New Year's Day Deal Beach Clean 1st January 2024


Our first Community Deal Beach Clean of 2024 is on Bank Holiday Monday 1st January 10am Deal Pier.

Equipment supplied.

Happy New Year

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Xmas Walmer Beach Clean 10th Dec 2023


Thank you to our 20 volunteers on today's Walmer Beach Clean.... 9bags collected about 45kilos.

Mince pies and Xmas hats in evidence.

Our next one is Jan 1st Deal Pier 10am

#pickdealclean #beachcleans

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sandown Castle Beach Clean 19th Nov 2023



Thank you to our 20 volunteers on this mornings Sandown Castle Beach Clean ....about 5 bags collected not including the two car tyres!

Our next one is Sunday 10th Dec at Sea Cafe Walmer ....there maybe mince 🥧 pies

#Beachclean #PickDealClean

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Deal Beach Clean 24th September 2023

Thank you our 17 volunteers on today's Deal Beach Clean. 
Beach was pretty good today with only 5 bags collected.

Our next dates:
October 29 Walmer Castle Beach 10am
November 19th Sandown Castle 10am
December 10th Walmer Beach 10am
January 1st Deal Pier 10am