Friday, July 6, 2012

Transition National Conference Sept 14-17 2012


This year we are back in London, hosted once more by the wonderful Battersea Arts Centre (BAC) (where we were in 2009), and the Conference teams are in the thick of planning a weekend of events and workshops that explore the theme of "Building Resilience in Extraordinary Times".
We have an ambitious programme for this year's event, with 5 distinct elements, which can be attended as stand-alone events or in combination (dates permitting):


Main Transition Conference

BACdeskThe Main Transition Conference will explore the theme of "Building Resilience in Extraordinary Times". It'll give you the chance to connect with people from all over the UK – and if other years are anything to go by, from all over the world – who have taken the Transition approach into their hearts, lives and communities.
If you are new to Transition, this will be an opportunity to make new friends and plunge into a rich pool of ideas, inspiration and practical learning that will help you do the things you want to do back at a home base.  If you have been round the Transition block a few times already, this is the place to refresh your energy, catch up with old friends and immerse yourself in what’s new in Transition.
Our theme this year will be explored through a wide variety of activities and processes including programmed workshops, an Open Space afternoon, walks and visits, and a great Saturday evening of entertainment, including an open mic slot.  It will draw in elements of the REconomy and Young Transition conferences happening the previous day, and introduce a new ingredient for 2012: a "Cook Up"
As we look at the question “How do we engage our communities in the Transition things we do?”, you can opt to roll your sleeves up and get practical, working alongside each other to “cook up” mini events, demos or activities that showcase Transition in Action.  It could be an instant edible landscape, a local currency, a feast, an energy company, an Inner Transition workshop, a piece of theatre or a Transition newspaper.

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