Deal With IT's Secretary Victoria Nicholls writes a regular column in the East Kent Mercury:
Well, it might not be ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ but the recent incredible weather and its effects certainly look like a disaster movie. The Chief Scientist at the Meteorological Office has said that the violent storms of the last few weeks are the result of climate change which is here and it is now! Lord Stern has also said that strong action must be taken to curb our carbon emissions – the same advice that was urged some eight years ago in the ‘Stern Report ‘that illustrated that the benefits of early action would massively outweigh the costs.
Our ‘greenest government ever’ is strangely silent on the reasons for this destructive weather that has caused such trauma around our small island. All our politicians seem to be able to do is to blame something or someone else other than themselves for failing to take action. How can swingeing cuts to the Environment Agency of 25% possibly be justified in the face of all the evidence and expert opinion regarding climate change? Despite all the cuts they have worked ceaselessly to try and minimise the effects of the flooding and to protect electricity substations so that supplies are not interrupted.
Plans exist for the protection of our rivers and coasts. These have been developed based on working with nature and saving major assets where possible but the totally inadequate budget that has been allowed is about one tenth of the sum per head spent in Holland.
What price our green and pleasant land?
Victoria Nicholls. Transition Deal.
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