Stuff we discussed:
- Deal Station Garden: lots of work on planters and staging area. The Big Dig meadow making very successful if hard work over 20 people involved. meeting with National Rail on fenced off area and possible water on ramsgate side. Donated cold frame now operational.Sarah arranged watering rota
- Landmark Garden: Core group Imogen, Tracy, Sue, Adrian, Sonja and Steve - £170 of interesting plants planted and looking at removing central bed to extend the 'people' space. Town Council has flagged up we are stop one on the judges tour of SE in Bloom and they will also be going to Deal Station and to our colleagues at Sandown castle community garden
- Deal Seedy Saturday - Next one on Saturday 30th May. Tracy organising a gathering to look at themes etc plus plan for July, October applefest and December Solstice fair
- Beach Clean. March ones very sucessful with good tie up with colleagues in Kingsdown.
- May : MCS National Mid-week one organised with M&S Tuesday 12th May 10am Deal Beach
- June: Pop-up one for Walmer Beach meet at Sea Cafe Sunday June 7th 10am
- July: Special 'Sandown Castle' Big Clean - Beach & Prom areas Sunday July 5th 10am - To support the Sandown Castle Community Gardeners who are on SE in Bloom judging circuit on 10th July
- Green Energy
- 15th May - Folkestone Transition and Community Energy South (CES)have a meeting on community energy in Folkestone
- Lots of good work on Energy Champions locally saving over £700 off people's bills
- Regional switching option coming up based on CESMeeting in Ashford 8th June
- Green Gym
- Mini-golf area been taken down
- Contact artist group and Tides
- Transition Towns Conference 18-20th Sept - see who is interested and work £ support
- Finance
- PLI in place but expensive
- Launching appeal for litter pickers (we need to replace about 20-30 @ £15)
- Income around the garden projects is ok but need more fundraising for core DWI needed. Want to avoid public funds except for specific projects with community outcomes.
- Next Huddle on 23rd May Landmark 9:30am
- Need to discuss with DTC their representation after the elections
- Ideas for pop-up library at Deal Station (Steve)
- Ideas for Infogram on DWI (Stephanie)
- Meeting with Kent Wildlife Trust in May to discuss joint activity on MCZ
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