Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Zero Carbon Britain demo 4th Dec

Campaign against Climate Change     www.campaigncc.org
March on Parliament for a Zero Carbon Britain
 ImageSaturday December 4th

Assemble at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park  12.00 noon.

Part of a Global Day of Action on climate www.globalclimatecampaign.org on the Saturday midway through the UN Climate Talks in Cancun, Mexico.

Challenge the government to take the action we need to meet the climate threat.
The failure of the international Talks in Copenhagen doesn't mean the threat of catastrophic Climate Change has got any less grave or less urgent. Don't let them think last year's big climate demo was just a 'one-off wonder'.   Tell them we need urgent action now and take to government a message and vision for a Zero Carbon Britain that won't just stop with this demo but that we can build on afterwards !
And building a Zero Carbon Britain means Climate Jobs Now : we have a positive vision not only for addresing the global threat of climate catastrophe but also for the economic crisis.

10.30 am Protest Bike ride assembles at Lincoln's Inn Fields - to join the main protest at Hyde Park later. Bike protest web page coming soon)
11.00 am Climate Service at the Church of the Annunciation, Bryanston Street organised by Christian Ecology,  see here.
12..00 noon Assemble on North Carriageway Drive (near Speakers Corner), Hyde park

12.00 - 1.00 pm Help us spell out a message for Zero Carbon by 2030 - with hundreds of people in a photo taken from above in Hyde Park.
Zero Carbon March to Parliament
via Park Lane, Hyde Park Corner, Piccadilly, Picadilly Circus, Lower Regent Street, Trafalgar Square, Whitehall, Parliament Square.
2.00 pm: Climate Emergency Rally opposite Parliament

March with us for…
Climate Action and Climate Justice….

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